Opportunity Alabama (or OPAL) is a first-of-its-kind nonprofit initiative dedicated to connecting investors with investable assets in Alabama’s Opportunity Zones – 158 Census tracts chosen by Governor Kay Ivey as places that could benefit from a new influx of capital. OPAL will become the catalyst for bringing investors, opportunities, communities and key institutional supporters together to generate real returns while improving economic vitality and quality of life

KN Warehouse
46,000 sq.ft
On I-65 Exit 93
All utilities present
New Market Tax Credit Zone
Brownfield Redevelopment
Railroad Adjacent
Learn more at EDPA.org

Evergreen/I-65 Industrial Park
40 Acres
On Interstate 65 (visible)
Less than a mile to Exit 96
In the Evergreen Industrial Park
All utilities present
Favorable Geographic Area
Learn more at EDPA.org

McMillan I-65 Property
450 Acres
Smallest Track 5 acres
On Interstate 65 Exit 77
Favored Geographic Area
Learn more at EDPA.org
* The Opportunity Zones program is a new alternative economic development program established by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to foster private-sector investments in low-income rural and urban areas. This is a new program with many moving parts. The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs gives you a basic overview of the program and how it is being implemented in Alabama.

** Industrial sites with AdvantageSite designation have undergone a rigorous process to demonstrate that documentation critical to the site selection process is ready for prospective industry.